Luther A. Tychonievich

I'm a graduate student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. I earned M.S. and B.S. degrees in computer science from Brigham Young University and A.A. and A.S. degrees from Lakeland Community College.

As a researcher I am a theoretician and algorithmist by preference, and have developed algorithms and written proofs on many topics within computing. I also love teaching and work on educational issues including diversity and outreach in computer science education, pedagogy design, and presentation of computational material to lay audiences.

I love office politics (the influencing of the local polity). I love to walk (alas, shoes last only briefly as a consequence). I'm keen on board games (RoboRally is the best, with many close seconds) and table-top roleplaying games (homebrew by preference, D&D by ease of finding players). I'm an active member and lay minister in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I enjoy writing (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry). I enjoy reading (including some books I repeatedly reread: Whinnie the Pooh, House at Pooh Corner, The Hobbit, Leave it to Psmith, the Holy Bible, and the Book of Mormon).

Last updated 2012-03-29