

The purpose of this set of extensions to GEDCOM 7.0 is to port GEDCOM-X’s more versatile name structures in GEDCOM 7.

This document is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. For details, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.

Most of this document is the original work of Luther Tychonievich. However, the descriptions of enumerated values in the http://gedcomx.org/ namespace are copied verbatim from GEDCOM-X, copyright Intellectual Reserve, Inc., as is permitted by the cc-by-sa license used by both that project and this one.

This document uses prefix notation: any URI beginning with one of the following short prefixes followed by a colon is shorthand for a URI beginning with the corresponding URI prefix

Short Prefix URI Prefix
g7 https://gedcom.io/terms/v7/
gx http://gedcomx.org/
ext https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#

This extension consists of a three new extension structure types and a large number of new enumeration values, most taken directly from GEDCOM-X.

Extension to spec

Extend the PERSONAL_NAME_PIECES production in the GEDCOM 7 specification with the following new term:

n _N_PART <Text>             {0:M}  ext:name-part
  +1 _NP_TYPE <Enum>         {0:1}  ext:name-part-type
  +1 _NP_QUAL <Enum>         {0:M}  ext:name-part-qualifier

It is worth noting that, as with all documented GEDCOM 7 extensions, the tag names above are only recommendations: it is the URIs, not the tag names, that define the meaning of these structures. See Recommended Tags for more.


URI: https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#name-part

A part of a name.

This structure is intended to be the GEDCOM 7 parallel of the GEDOCM-X element http://gedcomx.org/v1/NamePart.

The preferred order of ext:name-part structures is the preferred display order of the name parts.


URI: https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#name-part-type

The type of a name part. Only four name part types are defined, and not all name parts need have a type. Additional, more specific name part descriptors can be found in the ext:name-part-qualifiers.

This structure is intended to be the GEDCOM 7 parallel of the type property of the GEDOCM-X element http://gedcomx.org/v1/NamePart. The payload of this structure should be an enumerated value documented by GEDCOM-X for that property, namely

URI description
http://gedcomx.org/Prefix A name prefix.
http://gedcomx.org/Suffix A name suffix.
http://gedcomx.org/Given A given name.
http://gedcomx.org/Surname A surname.

The ext:name-part-type structure is optional, and should only be included if exactly one of the above enumerated values correctly describes the name part.


URI: https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#name-part-qualifier

A type-like descriptor of a name part.

This structure is intended to be the GEDCOM 7 parallel of the qualifiers property of the GEDOCM-X element http://gedcomx.org/v1/NamePart. The payload of this structure should be an enumerated value documented by GEDCOM-X for that property, namely

URI description
http://gedcomx.org/Title A designation for honorifics (e.g. Dr., Rev., His Majesty, Haji), ranks (e.g. Colonel, General, Knight, Esquire), positions (e.g. Count, Chief, Father, King) or other titles (e.g., PhD, MD).
http://gedcomx.org/Primary A designation for the name of most prominent in importance among the names of that type (e.g., the primary given name).
http://gedcomx.org/Secondary A designation for a name that is not primary in its importance among the names of that type (e.g., a secondary given name).
http://gedcomx.org/Middle A designation useful for cultures that designate a middle name that is distinct from a given name and a surname.
http://gedcomx.org/Familiar A designation for one’s familiar name.
http://gedcomx.org/Religious A designation for a name given for religious purposes.
http://gedcomx.org/Family A name that associates a person with a group, such as a clan, tribe, or patriarchal hierarchy.
http://gedcomx.org/Maiden A designation given by women to their original surname after they adopt a new surname upon marriage.
http://gedcomx.org/Patronymic A name derived from a father or paternal ancestor.
http://gedcomx.org/Matronymic A name derived from a mother or maternal ancestor.
http://gedcomx.org/Geographic A name derived from associated geography.
http://gedcomx.org/Occupational A name derived from one’s occupation.
http://gedcomx.org/Characteristic A name derived from a characteristic.
http://gedcomx.org/Postnom A name mandated by law for populations from Congo Free State / Belgian Congo / Congo / Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire).
http://gedcomx.org/Particle A grammatical designation for articles (a, the, dem, las, el, etc.), prepositions (of, from, aus, zu, op, etc.), initials, annotations (e.g. twin, wife of, infant, unknown), comparators (e.g. Junior, Senior, younger, little), ordinals (e.g. III, eighth), descendancy words (e.g. ben, ibn, bat, bin, bint, bar), and conjunctions (e.g. and, or, nee, ou, y, o, ne, &).
http://gedcomx.org/RootName The “root” of a name part as distinguished from prefixes or suffixes. For example, the root of the Polish name “Wilkówna” is “Wilk”.
https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#hidden A name part that should not be displayed.

Note that this extension adds one qualifier not present in GEDCOM-X:


URI: https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#hidden

There may be cases where a part of a name should be represented in the data but not displayed when the name is formatted. For example, there is a Polish surname that is spelled “Kowalski” for men and mixed-gender groups but “Kowalska” for women; a researcher may wish to record both forms, but add the ext:hidden qualifier to the one that does not match the gender of the individual.

Additional constraints

To be fully interoperable with other parts of GEDCOM 7, applications should impose the following limitations on users.

For the purpose of these limitations, a set of name parts are said to be contiguous if, after removing any ext:hidden parts, they are adjacent in the list of name parts.

Per the GEDOCM 7 specification, the tags used for documented extension structures may be changed to avoid tag collisions between independent extensions. However, the following tags are recommended:

2 VERS 7.0
2 TAG _N_PART https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#name-part
2 TAG _NP_TYPE https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#name-part-type
2 TAG _NP_QUAL https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#name-part-qualifier
2 TAG _GX_PREFIX http://gedcomx.org/Prefix
2 TAG _GX_SUFFIX http://gedcomx.org/Suffix
2 TAG _GX_GIVEN http://gedcomx.org/Given
2 TAG _GX_SURNAME http://gedcomx.org/Surname
2 TAG _GX_TITLE http://gedcomx.org/Title
2 TAG _GX_PRIMARY http://gedcomx.org/Primary
2 TAG _GX_SECONDARY http://gedcomx.org/Secondary
2 TAG _GX_MIDDLE http://gedcomx.org/Middle
2 TAG _GX_FAMILIAR http://gedcomx.org/Familiar
2 TAG _GX_RELIGIOUS http://gedcomx.org/Religious
2 TAG _GX_FAMILY http://gedcomx.org/Family
2 TAG _GX_MAIDEN http://gedcomx.org/Maiden
2 TAG _GX_PATRONYMIC http://gedcomx.org/Patronymic
2 TAG _GX_MATRONYMIC http://gedcomx.org/Matronymic
2 TAG _GX_GEOGRAPHIC http://gedcomx.org/Geographic
2 TAG _GX_OCCUPATIONAL http://gedcomx.org/Occupational
2 TAG _GX_CHARACTERISTIC http://gedcomx.org/Characteristic
2 TAG _GX_POSTNOM http://gedcomx.org/Postnom
2 TAG _GX_PARTICLE http://gedcomx.org/Particle
2 TAG _GX_ROOTNAME http://gedcomx.org/RootName
2 TAG _NPQ_HIDDEN https://tychonievich.github.io/gx-g7-names#hidden

Name parts as the only stored data

It is intended that ext:name-part be used in such a way that all other elements of a g7:INDI-NAME or g7:NAME-TRAN can be reconstructed unambiguously from the ext:name-parts alone.

To achieve this, every character in the name’s displayed form should be in a ext:name-part. This may mean there are ext:name-parts with no type or qualifier that store spacing, punctuation, etc.

To populate the other name data from name parts,

Example — Given the following gx-names extension data

2 _N_PART Dr.
2 _N_PART  
2 _N_PART Luther
2 _N_PART  
2 _N_PART A.
2 _N_PART  
2 _N_PART Tychonievich
(where the visually-empty lines have a space in the payload) The algorithms would produce the following standard structures and rufname extension structure:

1 NAME Dr. Luther A. /Tychonievich/
2 GIVN Luther
2 _RUFNAM Luther
2 SURN Tychonievich
2 _N_PART Dr.
2 _N_PART  
2 _N_PART Luther
2 _N_PART  
2 _N_PART A.
2 _N_PART  
2 _N_PART Tychonievich

Overlap with Standard Tags

Much of the information presented in these extensions overlaps with information contained in the standard, notably the g7:INDI-NAME and g7:NAME-TRAN structures and their standard substructures. These extensions provide a strict superset of information contained in those structures. As such, it is governed by the considerations in the Extension versus Standard section of the 7.0 specification. Notably: